On 25th October 2022 I advised everyone that for a while I would not be writing articles, producing podcasts, or posting related items on social media. A new year has started and as I prayerfully evaluate the past and seek direction for the future, I am pretty sure that I need to keep TruthisTheWord.com alive and thriving. So, starting on 31st January 2023 (this month) I intend to publish the first of a number of articles that I have been thinking about.
Here is a list of the subjects I am considering at this time:
- The Glory of the Incarnation – Can we fully comprehend the wonder of Jesus becoming a man?
- Stories about Heaven – What should we make of them?
- Last Times – Will I do this again, see this again, interact with this person again and how can I make this moment count?
- What really is Democracy – How does this affect us, non-political folks?
- Forms of Church Government – How do they affect the church and its individual members?
- Dark Matter and Dark Energy – Do scientists expect to find God in the very small or old… really?
- Revival and Revolution – will these become the two poles of human society?
As an incentive to get as many people as possible back to reading Truth is The Word, I am reducing the price of all four of my major books on Kindle right down to zero. You, or indeed anyone else you inform, will be able to exercise this benefit from the 6th to the 10th of February 2023 on one or more of these Kindle books. Click on the following link and it will take you to my Author Page: https://amzn.to/3XceWfx
If you have any questions or matters you would like me to address or are interested in online bible studies and the like, drop me a note here or on my site at the bottom of the homepage www.truthistheword.com, otherwise, watch out for my new posts.