Readings for Passover 2019
Here is some reading material for the Easter week-end.
As we approach the most important event on the Christian calendar, it is good to read again the key texts that unfold the story.
But first, the following are three previously published articles of mine that you might like to read in preparation:
General Readings
Daily Readings
The Jewish day started at sundown on the previous day, so the original ‘Good Friday’ started at 6 pm on the Thursday. Here are some scriptures regarding what happened that night:
Thursday evening
Matthew 26:17-56
Mark 14:12-52
Luke 22: 7-51
John 13:1 – 18:13
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Friday is when Jesus was mocked, flogged, and nailed to a cross. The final ordeal stated at 9 am and lasted until 3 pm when He gave up His spirit. Here are some scriptures covering this fateful period.
Matthew 26:57 – 27:66
Mark 14:53 – 15:47
Luke 22:52 – 23:53
John 18:14 – 19:42
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
On Saturday Jesus’ body lay in the tomb, but in the spiritual realm He was conducting Satan’s court-martial and expelling him from heaven.
On Sunday, just before dawn, the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, left His burial wrapping behind, and walked out into the garden. Here are the scriptures that give this account:
Matthew 28:2-20
Mark 16:1-20
Luke 24:1-53
John 20:1 – 21:24
1 Corinthians 15:5-8
Be blessed this Passover-time, be a blessing to others, and bless the Lord with your worship and devotion.
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