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TruthTalks: The Importance of the Middle

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Last week, in THIS post, Dr Christopher Peppler spoke of the importance of being in the middle of the curve.

He states that Bell Curve people with Jesus at the centre can, over time, change the state of a nation, a business, or a church. He invites you to take inventory of the curve of YOUR life and ask yourself things like:

‘Do I have a central pillar at all or do I stand at an extreme in this area (A Well Curve sort of person)? And, does my central pillar stand on biblical Jesus-centred truth or on something relative or socially conditioned?

To listen to this fascinating journey and participate in some introspection, just click on the play button below.

By the way, please don’t stand in the middle of your curve ringing your bell… we rely on YOU to help us spread the word, so please like, comment, subscribe and interact with us.

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