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Special Notice – Spread the Word

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How do YOU read the Bible? (and don’t say “with my eyes”  *grin*). Do you read it the same way as everyone else? Do you understand it the same way? Or maybe you have certain biases that you haven’t even noticed which you ‘wear’ as  ‘Biblical Spectacles’

Click HERE to read a short article concerning the varieties of Biblical Spectacles.

The second article I’d like to point you toward is one called “Today is the Day” and you can read it HERE. This short article concerns our mortality and serves as a very good reminder about just what exactly we are prioritising in our daily lives, and why?

Let us set our eyes towards Jesus, focus on things of the Spirit, and not the tat and ‘bling-bling’ of this world, and march towards.
Finally, if you haven’t yet had a chance to read “A Word of Witness”, please take this opportunity to do so and share with others. It’s about living life NOW, particularly in SOUTH AFRICA and I’d like as many people as possible to hear what I feel is a vital message. At the end of this post, you can read the comments others have made and add your own. Let’s make a change in this country people!



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