I have called this article Revival… Again firstly, because we need another Holy Spirit revival at this time, but also because I have written on this topic before.
In fact, I have written about it so many times that I have gathered the latest series into a book titled ‘The 12 Key Aspects of Revival’. This is part of a series of short books I am currently publishing as ‘Christian QuickReads’.
You can find it on Amazon Kindle selling for about R65.00 BUT I want to make it available for FREE to everyone who reads my Truth is The Word posts… so that would be you!
There are no strings attached to this offer and all you have to do is click the banner at the top of this post and then select the ‘Click to start download’ button and the .pdf version will automatically download.
If for any reason, the link doesn’t work then just copy and paste the following into your web browser. https://wp.me/P6gBUI-2gZ