F.O.M.O (Fear Of Missing Out) is real! Here’s how you can avoid this painful condition:
If you have visited www.truthistheword.com lately you can’t help but have noticed the two BIG buttons directly below the top header image, right? But what are they for?
- The button on the left which reads “Get Truth is The Word by email“ and (no surprise here) if you click on it, you can receive an email version of the latest wisdom and articles Dr Christopher Peppler posts to the site. There will be a little box that pops up and you simply fill in your name and email address and then click “confirm” when the confirmation email appears in your inbox, so please check your mailbox and confirm your subscription. If you don’t see the email within a few minutes, check the spam/junk folder (and mark it as NOT spam/junk)
- The button on the right-hand side enables you to subscribe to the TruthTalks podcasts. These are bi-weekly (usually) audio files where Dr Peppler goes over the post of the week before and adds in extra tidbits and morsels. So if you prefer to listen to these enlightening messages, this is the place for you. Simply click on the button and you will be directed to a page with all the latest TruthTalks podcasts. Here you will find a subscribe button where you choose whether you want the TruthTalks to show up as new podcasts on iTunes (does anyone still use that), RSS feed, or the most likely option which is on Android. There are other options (Email and Google Podcasts) but if you use any of the podcatchers on your phone to listen to your podcasts (Podcast Addict, Spotify, PodBean, TuneIn etc) then click the on Android button. If I lost you at “Podcast Addict” don’t worry because if you scroll down on the page it takes you to you will find a place to download any app you chose to listen to TruthTalks.
So, here’s to not missing out again, and if you have any questions, just email us at truthisthewordsite@gmail.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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Many thanks, Admin