When I think of God the Father my mind goes very quickly to images of ‘light’. Righteousness untainted by self-justification: absolute holiness so different from my own attempts to be different. Justice without sentimentality: love uncompromised by self-interest: goodness beyond my conception of integrity, kindness and benevolence. He is the brightest of white light without even a shimmer. His thoughts are higher than mine to such a degree that only when He condescends to me do I understand anything of His nature. God the Father is absolute, unfathomable, mysterious, magnificent and glorious. It is hard to describe my thoughts of Him because words seem as motes of dust trapped in His luminescence. He is indescribably… God.
Truth is The Word – Restoring a Lost Focus has recently been revised and published in e-book format. Find out more from the author on Jesus, truth and biblical interpretation in this revised edition!
2 thoughts on “My personal thoughts on…The Father”
The last statement sums it up beautifully, he really is indescribable.
Chris, this is a remarkably profound view on an unfathomable God. Having been indoctrinated at a young age to believe in first of all a catholic only God, but also a punitive Father God who sends a soul to purgatory until judgement day. Yes the Father is just and cannot tolerate sin, but as you say, He is also good, kind and benevolent and through Jesus demonstrated exactly how much he loves these sinful human creatures that he made. Thanks for sharing these personal thoughts.