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Learner Classical Guitar – FREE

Beginners classical guitar

I will be announcing the name of the recipient on the 14th June 2016, so there is still time for you to make a case for why the guitar should go to you 🙂

I am giving away this beautiful classical guitar to anyone who can make a convincing case that he/she will learn to play classical music on it, maintain it well, and practice regularly.

If you would like to know why I am giving away this guitar, I will be posting an audio with visuals next week … so watch this site.


If you are interested in owning this instrument, then COMMENT ON THIS POST and tell me why I should give it to you.

To comment, simply scroll down a little and you will find a handy box to type in. Please double check your email address so we know who you are! Thank you.




Picture of Christopher Peppler

Christopher Peppler



21 thoughts on “Learner Classical Guitar – FREE”

  1. Cornelia Frost

    OH MY WORD CHRIS???!! You giving away this absolutely awesome and beautifully hand made guitar of yours?! Don’t know how you can do that but by golly if that is what you are going to do I want to be in a running chance for it. So here goes and I will do my best. Here is my guitar story.
    from when I was 10 years old, I wanted to learn to play the guitar…BADLY! It was the days of being introduced to the beautiful Nana Miscouri on tv and just loving those beautiful guitar sounds…and the campfires on our camping weekends with the guitarists. I fell in love with the versatile of these musical instruments and the fact that you can take it anywhere with you.
    I had my eye on one I saw at our local toy/equipment/treasure trove shop in Springs. I remember it to this day… The shop…the smells…and then there was this beaut of a guitar…R12.00 Don’t laugh…that was like 41 years ago!! Anyway, I drove my parents up the wall, proudly showed the guitar off when we went to the shop… And my dad promptly bought me a recorder for 99c. I was DEVASTATED! My dad said if I’m serious, I will do my best to learn the recorder and he will buy me the guitar. I did very well in learning to play the recorder and struggled through it even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. In std.6 we had a talent evening we had to put up as a grade and I did the songs “Green Beret” and some song about sunshine. Needless to say… By this stage my parents forgot their promise and that was that.
    After Juan was born and I got divorced, I met a guy with a number of guitars and he said he will teach me to play. So my lessons started and I was all starry eyed….until he crashed my dreams. Gary said I could not play the guitar, as I was terrible, and my fingers were too short and my hands too small. All my dreams came crashing down.
    After Chris and I got married I gave the guitar and all my books to a church just starting up and needing music equipment. But all the time my dream lingered…and every now and then I would talk about it.
    In February 2014 a new lady joined our cell group, Kim Colvin. And of course Kim brought her guitar to cell. And that was it…off I went on my starry eyed dream and told her my sop story. Kim was indignant and said there is nothing wrong with the size of my hands or fingers and she can teach me to play. Chris was not convinced yet of buying me a guitar. So, Kim and I plot a plan. She would give me lessons in the secret. And the. One day I will surprise Chris with playing Kim’s guitar. I was SO excited!! It was difficult to meet for lessons. Chris and I shared a car and weekends were out because this was secret. Kim was not allowed to drive because of her severe dyslexia. I was in HEAVEN after my first lesson. Kim was SO patient and she was determined to teach me.
    In May I had an operation with some severe complications and just had a horrid time and loads of pain. Chris went to his favorite music store one Saturday. I got this phone call from him saying:”Do you still want to learn to play the guitar?” I promptly burst into tears and sobbed yes. Chris came home and presented me with this beautiful Cort guitar! I was ECSTATIC!! And…I could show off a bit and then told him about my secret lessons! He was impressed. Unfortunately my lessons with Kim over the next year was not that regular. She got very ill and my lessons became sporadic at best.
    Packing for the UK, my guitar came of course. It was the very last thing the packers packed….we had to wait for Chris to arrive with a brand new hard case before my guitar could be packed.
    Our new church here in Horsham, Kings Church Horsham, have some amazingly talented guitar players in the different worship teams. AND they run a worship academy as well! I am determined when we have the money to either attend the worship academy OR take private lessons from one of the guitarist as they do offer that. Unfortunately finances aren’t there yet for luxuries like that. I did ask a friend to tune the guitar for me as during the travel to UK, the strings had to be loosened. Unfortunately some of the strings snapped while Phil was tuning it. So now I have to wait for money to buy strings before I could play.
    So: Why should you give your beautiful guitar to me??
    Well, I will treat it like a baby…I will look after it with love and tender loving care. With my 40years of wanting to play, I WILL be playing it!! It would be a dream come true the day I stand on the stage and play worship music in a church service. I WILL practice, I WILL play, I WILL keep on dreaming….
    Having said all that…. I do have smaller hands and shorter fingers than you I am sure. So maybe this guitar would fit better in a male’s hands???
    This is my guitar story

    1. Wow! Cornelia, that’s quite a story. The guitar you see in the picture is the one I am giving away but it is not my hand-made classical, it is a cheap guitar I bought and made beautiful; listen to this Sundays message when it is posted in a week or so. Of course, the question is, how would you get the guitar from the RSA to the UK without paying freight that comes to more than the guitar cost me? 🙂

  2. Esther van Niekerk

    Hi there. We are living in Macedonia. We will be in SA some time next year for furlough. My youngest son has Aspergers and he absolutely loves music. He is busy teaching himself with a toy guitar I bought for him here. He has joined the worship team at the International church we attend right now. So I would love to get him a real guitar that he can play. He is so real and honest and a joy to have around. He really has a talent for music and gets lost in it. I don’t have a long reason, just simply a mom wanting to offer her child something he would love. He is turning 7 in June. Thanks Esther

  3. Hi Dr P!??

    For a second I thought it is the baby you made yourself last year.

    I live in Lonehill concourse crescent .
    I love the guitar and since iwas 14 I fell in love with it.

    I had a broken classic guitar with 3 strings and very day I would try play some hillsongs , it was out of the tune and didn’t know how to tune it or even fix the strings and the neck was cracked too.

    I had passion for it. And the Lord saw my heart and he found me a teacher( Robert Marshall) he was leading worship at church and I had to ask him to teach me.
    And so he did , 6 months I could play at Sunday school with him.
    The dream is to one day have students of my own.
    Ever since I have been playing his guitars mostly acoustic and electric guitars just not classic.

    I promise to look after it and practice daily to master it and even bless the church family with worship on Monday nights!

    With this one it could be the start, with talents and gifts I receive I use them to serve others.

    It would be an honour to look at it and say” this was a blessing from Dr Chris Peppler”

    I could write an Essay really but thank you for your heart of giving Sir.

  4. I would love to see my grandchild, Jessica, with this incredible guitar ,because she has the most beautiful heart for Jesus, and to make music, in His name !

  5. Dear Chris, I am going through a whirlwind of emotions at the moment as Shaun has taken a job in Saudi Arabia. The opportunity is wonderful not only for him, but for me and more so my son’s, Scott and Dean. Shaun has been there for 3 weeks now and the heartache of missing each other gets worse by the day. The boys and I are only moving in August. So I arrived at church this morning not sure whether I wanted to break down and cry or jump for joy at how wonderful & comforting God has been through this whole experience, but you opened up to Psalm 139 – my favourite Psalm since I was in matric. I sat listening to you this morning thinking I was in matric 17 years ago and joined the church 31 years ago. I sat thanking God for you Chris and the influence and impact you have had in my family’s life. You spoke with such passion about your guitars and it made my heart smile! I would love to have your guitar in my house so that while we are away, we can be reminded of you, your teachings, your love for Christ, your passion for guitars and be reminded of Psalm 139. Our youngest son Dean who is 4 has shown a very keen interest in playing a guitar and he almost jumped over the moon when we told him he will learn how to play in his new school, as it is part of their music curriculum. Thank you for everything you have taught me and my family, Chris! You have been apart of our family for so long. Kindest regards, Kelly.

    1. Thank you for this lovely comment Kelly, it touched my heart. One of the privileges of being a pastor at one church over a long time is seeing the children of church members grow up and then to becoming parents themselves. You are about to go, as are your parents, but we will always be part of the same church family in some wonderful way, in Christ Jesus.

  6. Psalm 139 is one of the Psalms that the Lord spoke into my life at my earliest walk with Jesus.
    About 2 months ago I felt the Lord leading me to the Psalms and again blessed through meditation and reflection in studying them to discover that some of them were songs. Learning guitar has brought the music more alive to me. I have always loved music from a young age and it continues to be the very same sound and inspired lyrics that moves me close to Jesus in praise and worship. Thanks for your visual presentation of the guitars especially the one you revamped .I love it . The Master has made something beautiful of my life . I’m so grateful Jesus for ALL HE HAS DONE IN MY LIFE FROM BROKENESS TO LIFE IN HIM.

  7. Christopher Chinkhuntha

    Good day Dr.Peppler

    As you know I am quite the IT guru but what you may not know is that I love music and I recently took up playing the classical guitar and I have taken a major liking to it mainly because I love praise and worship.

    So over the past year I have been practicing and getting slightly good and I would love nothing more than to hone my skills and grow using your guitar and possibly play along side you and the rest of the worship team lifting our good Lords name high

    Thanks for your time

  8. Innocent Munemo

    Hi! Here is my contribution. I would like to use this guitar to teach someone (or 2 people) at the church to play, up to a level that they can minister during the worship services by Christmas with 30 minute lessons per week.

    If someone else gets it who is learning I still pledge to help teach 🙂

  9. [This comment is from a very shy but sincere believer – I know who she is because she emailed me 🙂 CLP ]
    Thank you for the beautiful Word you brought today.
    I can only Praise God for leading me to the Lonehill today! My soul got fed and I saw my family again. ?All praises to God!?

    I am too shy to share my bit on your blog (hence the reason I am sending this mail).
    I adore beautiful music. Always wanted to learn to play an instrument like a guitar or harp, but never got the opportunity ( I only played on organs and piano’s when I was a child). Then about a month ago a Christian lady told me out of the blue that she will teach me how to play a guitar. I was so touched by the offer, but had to be honest and I told her that I do not own a guitar. She simply said, wait onto the Lord.

    It really felt this morning that my heart was going to jump out of my chest when you made the announcement of the guitar. The voice was like “Write a mail. Write a mail” nonstop. I am just always so shy and not sure what words to use; not sure if my message will be clear.

    Now its late (23:47) and I can’t sleep. I’m tossing and turning.I still have that pressing of the Spirit on my heart about your announcement and that’s why I’m writing to you. I just have to obey God.

    He shall do the rest.

  10. Pingback: The Touch of the Master's hand | Truth Is The Word

  11. I was doing an initiative in Zenspruit last year. Came across a guy who had the most old and broken guitar yet loved it soo. He had used all types of strings just to keep it working. I loved the passion he had for it. I don’t even remember his name but at the office I called him the guy with a broken guitar. I did take his number tracking him might be a bit of a mission but I know I would love for him to get this guitar. I’m sure he probably doesn’t even remember me.

  12. Colleen Mildred

    I remember in my early teens, I constantly had a picture in my heart – it was picture of me playing a guitar in front of a large crowd. What I don’t know is if this was a God-given dream or the dream came about as result of watching SOS (sound on Saturday) – a musical programme which played once a week on Saturday between 7-8pm. Playing a guitar has always been my deepest desire but never had an opportunity to pursue the dream. They reasons were largely, school, family, raising kids, work etc etc, but the passion to play the guitar has never left my heart. If I am given the guitar it will give me an opportunity to learn how to play it – I will play it with my family and use it to minister to people about my Lord Jesus and who knows – might it end in the worship team in the church. The guitar will stay in my closet and will get a thorough clean-up everything.

  13. Khuliso Monica Mathisa

    Am almost in tears as I type this, I will really appreciate this precious guitar, not for myself but for my friend. Her name is Patricia Nthabi Nketsi, she is my friend, and flat mate, sister in Christ, you name it. I have been staying with Nthabi for almost four years now; one of the things she loves to do is to sing. Her life has not been the easiest as she lost her mom who was her main support system, best friend and her pillar about 5 years ago. I decided to stay with her because I love her as if she was my own two sissies; I know that is what the Lord wanted me to do, which is to be his hands and feet in her life.

    This year for her birthday which was on the 23rd of May, I was going get her a guitar as that was her wish. However she got terribly sick with stress related ulcers and I had to pay about R6000 of medical bills which meant I could not afford to buy the guitar anymore.

    She like this guitar has not had it easy in this life and has faced storms and raging seas. This guitar in a big way will just give her hope and really give her something that she will feel belongs to her and was given to her by God himself. It will be as if God is saying that am with you, and have always been here and I have never left you. Right now she feels very discouraged, she has really has no strength left and this gift will truly be her beacon of hope

    Much love
    Khuliso Monica Mathisa

  14. Khuliso Monica Mathisa

    Am almost in tears as I type this, I will really appreciate this precious guitar, not for myself but for my friend. Her name is Patricia Nthabi Nketsi, she is my friend, and flat mate, sister in Christ, you name it. I have been staying with Nthabi for almost four years now; one of the things she loves to do is to sing. Her life has not been the easiest as she lost her mom who was her main support system, best friend and her pillar about 5 years ago. I decided to stay with her because I love her as if she was my own two sissies; I know that is what the Lord wanted me to do, which is to be his hands and feet in her life.

    This year for her birthday which was on the 23rd of May, I was going get her a guitar as that was her wish. However she got terribly sick with stress related ulcers and I had to pay about R6000 of medical bills which meant I could not afford to buy the guitar anymore.

    She like this guitar has not had it easy in this life and has faced storms and raging seas. This guitar in a big way will just give her hope and really give her something that she will feel belongs to her and was given to her by God himself. It will be as if God is saying that am with you, and have always been here and I have never left you. Right now she feels very discouraged, she has really has no strength left and this gift will truly be her beacon of hope.

    Much love
    Khuliso Monica Mathisa

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About Me

My name is Christopher Peppler and I was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1947. While working in the financial sector I achieved a number of business qualifications from the Institute of Bankers, Damelin Management School, and The University of the Witwatersrand Business School. After over 20 years as a banker, I followed God’s calling and joined the ministry full time. After becoming a pastor of what is now a quite considerable church, I  earned an undergraduate theological qualification from the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa and post-graduate degrees from two United States institutions. I was also awarded the Doctor of Theology in Systematic Theology from the University of Zululand in 2000.

Four years before that I established the South African Theological Seminary (SATS), which today is represented in over 70 countries and has more than 2 500 active students enrolled with it. I presently play an role supervising Masters and Doctoral students.

I am a passionate champion of the Christocentric or Christ-centred Principle, an approach to biblical interpretation and theological construction that emphasises the centrality of Jesus

I have been happily married to Patricia since the age of 20, have two children, Lance and Karen, a daughter-in-law Tracey, and granddaughters Jessica and Kirsten. I have now retired from both church and seminary leadership and devote my time to writing, discipling, and the classical guitar.

If you would like to read my testimony to Jesus then click HERE.