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Jesus’ letter to His church


 “If only Jesus had written a book of the Bible! Paul wrote letters, Peter wrote letters, and John wrote letters. Why didn’t Jesus write us a letter or two?”
Well, he did! He dictated seven letters to churches in the vicinity of Patmos, John faithfully wrote them down and they are recorded for us in Revelation chapters Two and Three.

The seven churches were located on a trade route that ran from Ephesus up to Pergamum and then down to Laodicea. However, these were not the only churches in the immediate vicinity. There were churches at Colossae, Antioch, and several other places. It is most likely, therefore, that the Holy Spirit chose these particular seven churches to represent the whole of the church through the whole of the church age. So these letters are for us as well.


In my next post I am going to give you some of the background to each of these seven churches which will help you to understand the letters more fully. However, for now, I want to give you a summary of what they contain. It is easier this way to grasp the full import of what Jesus is saying to His church in general, both then, throughout history, and now.

We can categorise the bulk of what Jesus has to say to his church under two headings – Commendation and promise, and Condemnation and warning.

Condemnation and warning – what Jesus does not approve of and cautions us against

• Don’t lose your first love. Doctrinal orthodoxy is no replacement for zealous passion for Jesus.
• Do not allow the world to infiltrate the church or your life
• Do not allow so called ‘Christian’ false apostles and their teaching to corrupt the church, or you.
• Complacency is sin.
• Don’t be self-deluded and confuse material blessing for spiritual life.
• Repent and do the things you did at first, or you will lose what you have… and what you did when you first became of disciple was to love Jesus.
• Repent of your sinful practices, or else you will find yourself fighting against God’s Holy Spirit.
• Unless you repent of your wicked ways, you will suffer the consequences of your own thoughts and actions.
• Wake up and do the best with what you have.
• Remember what you have received, and obey it.
• Repent of your apathy and complacency, and seek Jesus for true riches.



Commendation and Promise – what Jesus approves of and His assurances to us.

• For the good things you do, for your hard work and perseverance.
• For not tolerating wicked men, and testing those who claim to be apostles.
• For enduring hardship and not growing weary.
• There is the promise of life to those who endure to the end.
• There awaits the crown of life for those who endure persecution, poverty, and hardship for their faith.
• Well done, for living right where Satan has his throne yet remaining true to Jesus’ name.
• That you are doing more now in faith, love, deed, and service than you did at first.
• Those who persevere to the end will have true authority and blessing.
• Those who live lives separated from sin will enjoy eternal life with God.
• For keeping the Word of God, even though you have little strength, Jesus will honour you before your detractors.
• Jesus will protect through the hour of trial those who keep his word.

The Lord has some tough things to say to his church, but he always overlays these admonitions with words of affirmation and promise. Even to the pathetic Laodiceans he designed his rebukes to bring them, and us, to repentance and life. “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.”

Thank you, Lord!
Picture of Christopher Peppler

Christopher Peppler



6 thoughts on “Jesus’ letter to His church”

  1. Thanks Chris. I am very Bible-centred but I am realising that I have to listen to other interpretations and then test them against the Bible and I am finding out that I am not always right in my rather narrow view. The problem is you need to trust the person who is explaining the issues because there is so much nonsense out there. Thank you sincerely that I am able to trust what you write.
    Peace be with you!


      Thank you Rob, I appreciate your humility and sincerity. We all have the problem of coming to the Bible from the perspective of one or other theological system. We need to learn to seek out what the scriptures teach and not just what we expect them to teach. I have found that three interpretive principles serve as faithful guides – Christocentricty, Context, and Exhaustive Reference.


      Bongani, I don’t understand your request – as I say in the first paragraph of the post, the article refers to chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation.

  2. Pingback: Let whoever has an ear, hear - Truth Is The Word

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About Me

My name is Christopher Peppler and I was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1947. While working in the financial sector I achieved a number of business qualifications from the Institute of Bankers, Damelin Management School, and The University of the Witwatersrand Business School. After over 20 years as a banker, I followed God’s calling and joined the ministry full time. After becoming a pastor of what is now a quite considerable church, I  earned an undergraduate theological qualification from the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa and post-graduate degrees from two United States institutions. I was also awarded the Doctor of Theology in Systematic Theology from the University of Zululand in 2000.

Four years before that I established the South African Theological Seminary (SATS), which today is represented in over 70 countries and has more than 2 500 active students enrolled with it. I presently play an role supervising Masters and Doctoral students.

I am a passionate champion of the Christocentric or Christ-centred Principle, an approach to biblical interpretation and theological construction that emphasises the centrality of Jesus

I have been happily married to Patricia since the age of 20, have two children, Lance and Karen, a daughter-in-law Tracey, and granddaughters Jessica and Kirsten. I have now retired from both church and seminary leadership and devote my time to writing, discipling, and the classical guitar.

If you would like to read my testimony to Jesus then click HERE.