It is hard to believe, but another year is ending and it’s Christmas time again.
What a year it has been! The flood of change coming upon the world threatens to wash us out into deep waters, and so we need to focus on the rock of our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here are three articles from the archives to read and ponder during this festive season.
I wrote ‘The Word became flesh’ in 2010 to consider the mystery and miracle of God coming to live among us. Then, in 2013, I wrote ‘Something MAGIcal’ as an exposure of the important historical significance of 25th December. It probably wasn’t when Jesus was born, but it was when the wise men came to bow before the King of Kings. Last year, 2016, I wrote ‘Mary did you know’ to reflect on Mary’s role in the drama and glory of the incarnation.
The political and financial world offers us little joy at this time, but the Gospel offers a message of great joy to all upon whom God’s favour rests. I intend preaching on Luke 2:8-14 on Christmas day this year and I will share this message as a post and a podcast early in 2018.
Despite the darkness around us, be joyful in Jesus this Christmas!