I have published several books, and details of these are here in this section of the repository.
Major Works
Christian QuickReads
Major Works
Truth is The Word
- An understanding of the nature of truth lies under the surface of many current Christian debates.
- Truth will set us free from the philosophies of our age but the neglect of truth will destroy us!
- There is only one person who can give us a satisfactory answer to the question “What is truth?” – and His name is Jesus.
Prayer, Power and Proclamation
Perhaps the reason we see so few miracles in our day is that most of us have forgotten who we are… and who God is.
- That we live in an inverted kingdom and need to change our mindset and worldview.
- That those who are born again in the name of Jesus are sons and daughters of the Living God.
- That prayer is the privilege of dialogue with Almighty God.
- That disciples of the Lord Jesus should be custodians of power from on high.
- That vast potential of proclaiming in word and deed, in the authority of Jesus, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
This is a series of 7 presentations, including brief lecture notes, for use in group teaching situations:
Lesson 1 – Introduction
Lesson 2 – Children of God
Lesson 3 – Prayer
Lesson 4 – Power 1
Lesson 5 – Power 2
Lesson 6 – Proclamation
Lesson 7 – Conclusion
A 14 part video presentation covering the entire P3 book
Small Group Leaders Guide
The Book of Revelation:
This book combines an interpretation of the book of Revelation with a survey of the meaning and import of the ancient stellar constellations. Whilst the research draws on several established expert sources it also constitutes a unique contribution to the field and includes original and detailed star charts and other informative diagrams.
God inspired his ancient people to record the story of time and eternity on the parchment of the night sky, and he keyed the enigmatic last book of the Bible, the Revelation of John, to this saga in the stars. The sidereal (star) word and the scriptural word are linked.
- Discover the true key to understanding the book of Revelation.
- Find a description of the ‘big picture’ of Revelation.
- Learn how the book of Revelation is directly keyed to the message in the stars.
- Find clarification of concepts like the Millennium and the Rapture.
- Learn how Heaven and Earth will become one in the New Eden.
- Learn how modern astrology is both logically and scripturally insupportable.
- Find traces of the ancient Zodiac in the scriptures.
- Discover how the Tabernacle is a cosmological model.
- Read the story of redemption in the constellations.
- Find fascinating astronomical data concerning Jesus’ birthday, Christmas day, Passover, and Pentecost.
To listen to an introductory lecture, click here and to view the accompanying visuals, click here
The Dynamics of a Healthy Church
ROADS to Growth
- The vital differences between religion and relationship.
- The need to replace church-based evangelistic programmes with spontaneous one-on-one witness.
- How much you need the annointing of the Holy Spirit in your life.
- Three key principles you can use to correctly understand the bible.
- How to apply the scriptural patterns to church and personal life.
ROADS is a word that describes the Christian way of life. The five dynamics it stands for are important to your church and personal spiritual life.
The Complete ‘What KInd of Church would Jesus Attend?’ Series
The Mystery of the Church
How God Spoke to me – The ROADS Story
The Importance of staying True to Core Values
Quick Reads for Christian life
Short, concise, and user-friendly, this collection is a valuable addition to every Christian’s bookshelf
This book is a compendium of four Christian Quickreads previously published as separate titles. I wrote each book when as I was pastoring a growing church and so all of them are both practical and grounded in local congregational life. However, as a trained theologian, I have tried to keep the contents both biblically and theologically accurate. Also, all four books are distinctly Jesus-centred.
- The 10 Principles & Values of Local Church Membership: Becoming Part of God’s Household
- The 9 Essentials of Building your Life in Christ: Christian Foundations
- The 9 Spiritual Gifts & How to Find your Ministry
- The 12 Key Aspects of Revival
The 10 Principles & Values of Local Church Membership
This book is both a template for any local church as well as an explanation of church fundamentals, essential beliefs, attitudes, and other important values. If you are a Church leader, especially of a start-up church, or looking to become a member of a church, you will find this book helpful and instructive.
- Biblical Models of Local Church.
- The Importance of Local Church.
- Why we Need to be Formal Local Church Members.
- Local Church Purpose and Mission.
- Foundation Principles.
- Essential Beliefs and Attitudes.
- Other important Values.
The 9 Essentials of Building your Life in Christ
This book is a must-have for every Christian’s bookshelf and an essential guide to all key aspects of the faith. Whether you are a new believer, have been a follow of Jesus for many years, or you are in any form of church leadership.
This is a Christian QuickReads book and is therefore short, concise, and user-friendly. It is a valuable addition to every Christian’s bookshelf, particularly for:
New Believers:
If you are a new believer and want to quickly establish the underlying truths and practices on which your Faith stands, then this book will help you to do just that.
Committed followers of Christ:
If you are a committed follower of Jesus Christ, you will find this book instructional and practical.
Church Leaders:
If you are a church leader and want to or have a structural basis for inducting new believers or members then you will find this book helpful and even inspirational.
To view and download this free teaching presentation, click here
To watch this free teaching series on Christian Foundations click here
The 9 Spiritual Gifts & How to Find your Ministry
Spiritual Gifts are an important matter for all Christians because ministries are the muscles of the Body of Christ and Holy Spirit manifestations are its blood.
This book differentiates between ministries, which we perform, and manifestations that the Holy Spirit performs. It also describes 9 manifestations of the Spirit as well as a way of finding effective areas of ministry in the church.
Read this book if you are:
- A new believer and want to establish the basics of how you can best serve your local church in areas of ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, then this book will help you to do just that.
- A committed follower of Jesus Christ, you will find this book instructional and practical. It is also detailed enough to understand the nature of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to minister in the Holy Spirit through areas on ministry.
- A church leader, and need a structured basis for teaching on the Gifts and Ministries, then you will find this book a helpful resource. The matter of Spiritual Gifts is often misunderstood and misapplied, and this book will provide solid biblical guidance
The following passages are explored in the book: 1 Corinthians 12; 1 Corinthians 14; Romans 12:6-8 and Ephesians 4:11.
These ministries are explained: Prophetic, pastoral and apostolic ministries; evangelism and missionary ministries; teaching ministry; miracle-working; healing; ministry of tongues and interpretation; giving; serving & helping; mercy ministry and administration.
Additionally, the reader is given a useful workbook to assist them to find their ministry.
If you would like to take a small group through the book then you will find a detailed Leaders Guide to assist you by reading or downloading it here
Where you are reading this book as a group or individual, the workbook will help you identify areas of ministry in and through your local church. Read or download this workbook here
The 12 Key Aspects of Revival
Whether you are a leader, have a passion to see Revival in our day, or are just interested in the subject, then this book is for you.
This is a Christian QuickReads book and is therefore short, concise, and user-friendly. It is a valuable addition to every Christian’s bookshelf and an overview of key aspects of true Revival.
Read this book if you are:
- Just interested. If you are interested in the phenomenon of Holy Spirit Revival but don’t want to be bogged down in the history and the details, then this book is for you.
- Passionate in seeing revival. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ with a passion for seeing the church come alive with genuine revival, then you will find this book encouraging and inspiring.
- A Christian leader. If you are a church leader, pressed for time and wanting a sort of expanded executive overview, then you will find this book helpful and instructional.