TruthTalks on by Dr. Chris Peppler

TruthTalks: The Righteous Among the Rogues – A Reflection on Psalm 37

TruthTalks on by Dr. Chris Peppler

The very first line in Psalm 37 is: “Do not fret because of those who are evil…”

Well I’m already feeling inadequate because I fret, stress and get horribly angry over those who are evil! In this TruthTalks podcast, Dr Christopher Peppler breaks down Psalm 37 for us in a manageable way and shows us how to use it to enhance our lives and put the wisdom written here into practice. If you would prefer to read the post this is based on, please click HERE. By the way, if you read Psalm 37, you will be pleased when you get to verse 17 and further, as it shows us how many delights WE have to look forward to and live in as children of God. is non-profit and we rely on YOU to help us spread the word, so please like, comment, subscribe and interact with us.

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