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November 2019

TruthTalks: The Old, Old Story

Talking to children about salvation

In this TruthTalks audio podcast, Dr Christopher Peppler talks about children and the gospel. We hear about what he discovered when reading through a children’s gospel tract. We also learn the big truths about what children need to know to enable them to become adults with an understanding of what a relationship with Christ is.

You can read the original post HERE, listen to, or download the TruthTalks message below.

All the best with telling the old old story to the kids in your life!

Best, admin

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The Old, Old Story

Telling stories

Children love stories, and so I guess a good way to communicate the gospel to them is to simply tell them the old, old story of Jesus and His love. I have two lovely granddaughters, both under the age of eight, and I often wonder about when and how I should share the gospel with them. Yesterday, I downloaded a beautifully illustrated comic-book-style tract for children, and I was very interested to see if I would be able to use this approach with my ‘princesses’. So I eagerly viewed it seeking to see it both through the eyes of a child and my own theological spectacles. Here is the gist of it – see if you can spot what is missing.

The story starts with an ‘in the beginning’ account of creation from right up to when God made Adam and Eve. Then comes a series of frames depicting a very glamorous Eve interacting with the serpent and eating the forbidden fruit. A text box describes the effects of this disobedience with the words, ‘Adam and Eve had disobeyed God. Their innocence was taken away.   Now they knew the difference between good and evil.’

The next set of pictures show the forlorn couple being expelled from the Garden of Eden. The text box insert reads: ‘GOD’S PROMISE OF SALVATION:  The perfect unity between God and His beloved creation was broken. Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, they were separated from God. But God already had a plan to redeem His creation. God’s plan would bring the hope of salvation to all the people of the world.’ Then comes a picture of a sin-ravished world, before moving on to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. The insert text box reads: ‘God loves us. But we sin, which separates us from Him. Sin means going against what God wants for our lives. But God had a plan to fix the broken relationship’.

Then follow depictions of Jesus being baptised, teaching, interacting with children, feeding the hungry, and walking on water. Then there are some pictures of the Pharisees plotting against Jesus, His arrest in Gethsemane, trial, and crucifixion. Next, come depictions of the empty tomb and Jesus commissioning His disciples before ascending into Heaven.

The last set of pictures show the disciples praying, going out, healing the sick, and telling the story about Jesus. Then, after a depiction of persecution, comes the assurance that despite troubles and hardships the good news keeps spreading across the world. The final admonition to the reader is: ‘You can help to spread the good news too!’

The children’s tract then ends with five steps – Step 1 God loves, Step 2 We sin, step 3 Jesus died, Step 4 God forgives, and Step 5 We accept. The concluding panel starts with ‘You Are a Follower of Jesus! What Happens Next?’ and then gives four suggestions for spiritual growth.

Ok. Is this what I need to use to help my granddaughters enter into an eternal yet present-day relationship with Jesus? If not, then what is missing? Here are the things I noticed were missing:

  1. The impact of original sin is understated, but more importantly, not really applied to the reader at a personal level. There is no attempt to explain the spiritual death that came into the world from that moment onwards. Sin is simply described as ‘choosing my own ways over God’s or doing anything He does not want me to do.’
  2. There is no mention of the need to be ‘born again’, although this was the central issue that Jesus addressed in John Chapter 3. Because there is no focus on the rebirth of the dead spirit, there is no reference to a spiritual relationship with God through Christ, nor of the required response to God’s supernatural intervention in our lives.
  3. The only pointer to the work of the Holy Spirit was the picture of a chubby little dove over Jesus’ head when He was baptised. No mention of Pentecost or the need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

In my sermon ‘The Tree of Life Triptych’, I make the statement that our churches today are crowded with Christianised people who have never been born again. Therefore they have no real relationship with God, no empowerment for life and ministry, and no evidence of ‘salvation’ beyond rule-keeping, rituals, good works, and some bible knowledge. I have written on this subject before under the titles of ‘What Must we do to be Saved’, ‘The Need for New Birth’ and ‘Stillborn Souls’.

I have no doubt that the folks who produced the beautiful children’s gospel tract are dedicated men and women earnestly seeking to bring children into the Kingdom of God. However, I have serious reservations concerning this tract and other similar efforts to ‘evangelise’ without presenting the need for:

  1. The supernatural action of the Holy Spirit in miraculously bringing life to a spiritually dead human being;
  2. The clear presentation, appropriate to different age and cultural groups, of the deity and humanity of Jesus and what He achieved on our behalf through His crucifixion and the resurrection;
  3. The need to respond to this with belief in who He is and what He has done, heartfelt repentance for the sin of rebellious self-centeredness and confession of this, passionate petition to God to grant a personal rebirth of the spirit by virtue of what Jesus has done, and testimony of this reality (preferably through public water baptism).

In my considered opinion and understanding of scripture, anything less than this yields only spiritual inoculation, lifeless religiosity, frustration, and continued separation from God now and for eternity.

One of the reasons our churches are full of spiritually unregenerate ‘Christians’ is the way we present the Gospel to our children. Another reason is our neglect of preaching the full and glorious gospel to adults and often substituting a ‘while all heads are bowed and all eyes are closed’ altar call formula.

In 2 Timothy 3:5 Paul describes the ‘victims’ of impotent evangelism as ‘having a form of godliness but denying its power.’

My challenge to all of us is to examine what we believe and how we communicate this to others, not least our children.



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TruthTalks Sermons

TruthTalks Sermon: The Tree of Life Triptych

The tree of life top imageWhen I was asked to preach at Lonehill Village Church on Sunday 10th of November 2019 I asked myself this question:

If this was the last time I ever got to preach, what sermon would I preach?
This is a hard question to answer, but I can tell you that the sermon I felt lead to preach on Sunday is right up near the top of the list. It is in 2 parts which are separated by songs of worship. Here’s what it is about:

Part One

My references here are Genesis 2, Numbers 21, and Revelation 22 and this section provides the biblical historical setting for part two. It tells the story of how God created humanity in His image and entered into a sacred and eternal covenant with them. However, instead of fulfilling the covenant obligation to trust and obey God, Adam and Eve decided to rebel and seek to themselves be gods. As a result, the penalty clause of covenant kicked in and they died spiritually and were expelled from Eden. In them, all of humanity was separated from God, spiritually dead, and banished from the Tree of Life.

Then in Revelation 22, the very end of the story of the Tree of Life, we find a glorious picture of Eden restored and enhanced. The question is why? Why was Eden accessible again to human beings? What caused the change from banishment to restoration and from death to life?

Incidentally, if you are wondering what I mean by the word “Triptych’, the Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as “Three closely related or contrasting themes or parts”. I cover the first and the last of these three related pictures in Part One of this sermon, and the third in Part Two

Part Two

This portion of the sermon answers the question ‘what caused the change from banishment and spiritual death to restoration and life?’ It does this by presenting what the Lord Jesus said to the Jewish theologian, Nicodemus, as recorded in John 3. The call to action throughout this part of the sermon is, “you must be born again!”

Please listen to what I consider to be one of THE most important messages I have ever preached by clicking on the play button below. As always, your thoughts are welcome.

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Centrality Feature Image TruthTalks

TruthTalks: The Centrality of Jesus

Centrality Top Image TruthTalksMore and more scholars are writing and teaching on the centrality of Jesus and I am convinced that this is a subject currently on God’s heart.

Part of this focus is the belief that Jesus is the full, and not just the fullest, presentation of God’s nature and character. This TruthTalk combines my two latest articles on this subject, ‘Jesus the Full Representation of God’ and ‘A Two-faced God?’

In the first part of the podcast (below) I speak about;

  • Why the distinction between full and fullest is important.
  • The meaning of Colossians 1:19 and 2:9
  • What Jesus said about himself

In the second part of the message I deal with;

  • Jesus in the Old Testament and in the book of Revelation
  • The reason why some folk hold to a ‘two-faced’ view of God
  • How I understand a Christocentric interpretation of scripture

Click on the play button to listen to or download the TruthTalk.

If you would like to subscribe to future podcasts then just click HERE

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About Me

My name is Christopher Peppler and I was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1947. While working in the financial sector I achieved a number of business qualifications from the Institute of Bankers, Damelin Management School, and The University of the Witwatersrand Business School. After over 20 years as a banker, I followed God’s calling and joined the ministry full time. After becoming a pastor of what is now a quite considerable church, I  earned an undergraduate theological qualification from the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa and post-graduate degrees from two United States institutions. I was also awarded the Doctor of Theology in Systematic Theology from the University of Zululand in 2000.

Four years before that I established the South African Theological Seminary (SATS), which today is represented in over 70 countries and has more than 2 500 active students enrolled with it. I presently play an role supervising Masters and Doctoral students.

I am a passionate champion of the Christocentric or Christ-centred Principle, an approach to biblical interpretation and theological construction that emphasises the centrality of Jesus

I have been happily married to Patricia since the age of 20, have two children, Lance and Karen, a daughter-in-law Tracey, and granddaughters Jessica and Kirsten. I have now retired from both church and seminary leadership and devote my time to writing, discipling, and the classical guitar.

If you would like to read my testimony to Jesus then click HERE.