The proverbial Malema

Choosing truth and love over divisiveness and dissension
Julius Malema’s and ruling party officials’, devotion to a particular ‘freedom song’ is both confusing and biblically offensive. Which should rate higher on any public servants agenda – to preserve a song about killing farmers because long ago freedom fighters sung it, or to refrain from anything that breaks down rather than build national unity and health?
Proverbs 6:16-19 says; ‘There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,  a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,  a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.’

I don’t need to even comment on the first six, because the seventh is an indictment on anyone who champions the singing of a song about killing anyone, let alone the very people who feed the country. Singing ‘kill the Boer’ is offensive, divisive, dangerous and thoroughly contrary to biblical teaching.

I wrote this several days before the heinous murder of AWB leader Eugene TerreBlanche. I don’t want to reduce a matter of such potential gravity to the arena of politics, let alone racial politics. However, I do want to point back to the biblical standards against which God holds all of us accountable. 

He hates ‘hands that shed innocent blood’, He hates wicked schemes, evil, and false witness. Almighty God hates the stirring up of dissension among brothers… and so should we. The way of Jesus is the way of love and truth, and everyone who professes to revere His name should follow His ways in both words and actions. 

God have mercy on us, and may men and women of God rise up in our day to proclaim and practice truth and love. 

So, no more rabble rousing and songs that create a culture of violence! And, no retaliation from those who perceive themselves to be victims.

Dr Christopher Peppler

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